The two-phase renovation project on a contaminated brownfield site in the Allison Hills section of Harrisburg allowed Hamilton Health to combine multiple community clinics into a single location.
The project’s scope called for complete demolition of a former manufacturing plant at the Interstate Distribution Center in Jenkins Township to prepare the land for up to 1,506,000 sq ft of future development.
The $10.8-million, 16,636-sq-ft expansion of the Tacoma Art Museum doubled the museum’s gallery space, making room for the new Haub Family Collection of Western American Art.
The $154-million first phase of the Northern Rail Extension in Alaska is the initial step in a multi-year effort to connect the towns of Fairbanks and Delta and the Fort Wainwright and Eielson Air Force Base military sites with Fort Greeley.
Portland-based Puppet Labs,
which specializes in software,
worked with Swinerton Builders
and lead design firm THA
Architecture Inc. to create a customized
After a budget crunch caused a cancellation of an athletics-only facility, the Maricopa Community College District tasked the construction team to build a multipurpose facility.