When planning for the new World Trade Center site began just a few years after the destruction of the original towers, security was front of mind: Bollards were to be placed around the site, and a dedicated, below-grade routing system for commercial vehicles was among the plans.
Opponents are continuing to push against the proposed Pebble Mine project in the Bristol Bay region of Alaska, even as the Army Corps of Engineers is expected to issue a final Environmental Impact Statement on the project next year.
Recent efforts to provide properly fitting personal protective equipment to women on construction jobsites are highlighting the connection between safety and long term careers in skilled trades and management.
More than a year after the Trump Administration withdrew from the Paris climate agreement, cities and states are continuing efforts to meet U.S. climate goals to reduce carbon emissions 26% by 2025.
The 20 young A/E/C industry professionals honored in ENR New York's Top 20 Under 40 competition have gone beyond the norm of excellence in their careers, showing leadership skills in their profession as well as a commitment to give back to their communities.