Noted organizational behavior researcher Romila Singh stressed factors that drive engineers to leave the industry, addressing ENR Groundbreaking Women in Construction conference.
A new flood model from the nonprofit First Street Foundation nearly doubles the number of properties the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Special Flood Hazard Area had identified as at risk in a 1-in-100-year flood event.
With COVID-19 economic slowdowns, and the resulting drop in demand for oil, gas and electricity, the outlook for traditional energy sector growth and capital investment is dim, if not outright grim.
Project delays and cancellations rose, said the mid-April analysis of 416 industry employees, but more employers plan to rehire those cut or recruit, and have adjusted to new business approaches.
Denny Substation doesn’t look like what you’d expect from a structure of its kind. That’s by design, due to its setting within South Lake Union, a growing area of Seattle.
For those thinking about electrification, Green Machine provides a custom retrofit of diesel-powered small equipment to run off of lithium-ion batteries.