Grant to Missouri S&T University will boost AI program to develop best concrete 3D printing options using alternative and sustainable materials so structures can be built away from ready-mix plants.
For more than 140 years, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Galveston District has tackled massive projects to provide safety and stability along a coastline stretching from Louisiana to Mexico. <
Contractors are mobilizing and Congress has authorized the Michigan waterway project at a price the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says will allow its completion.
As the 117th Congress headed into its final days, infrastructure advocates scored another legislative victory with bipartisan congressional approval of a new Water Resources Development Act, or WRDA, authorizing $37.8 in federal funds for 30 new or modified U.S. Army Corps of Engineers storm protection, harbor dredging and other civil-works projects.
Long-planned $878.5-million project at Howard A. Hanson Dam, which gained new federal funding, would open 100 miles of the upper Green River for salmon spawning and rearing.