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Enhanced Features
Manufacturer has upgraded its existing models-FS1, FS2 and FS3SP-and added the all--new FS2SP, FS4SP and FS5SP series to its product line of concrete/asphalt saws. The FS2 series features a new frame design, an improved lifting bail as well as a low-profile water on/off valve. It has two multipositioning handle bars and a blade guard assembly with quick disconnect water manifold valves. The units are available with a standard 14-in. blade guard with Whiteman's misting water system for dust control when dry-cutting. The FS2SP self-propelled series includes the Eaton Model 7 hydrostatic transmission direct-drive propulsion system and a choice of 13 or 20-hp gasoline engines. MULTIQUIP; 800/421-1244; www.multiquip.com
Provides Crane Functions
Model ECS-50 Skywalk is a combination aerial workplatform with crane functions. The 16-ft long platform offers unique features that allow it to be wrapped around corners or to work on two sides of a structure, the maker says. It provides a 55-ft working height, a 52-ft side reach and a 32-sq-ft platform with 900-lb capacity. The platform rotates 360û. Other features include a 9,000-lb crane capacity and a 500-lb capacity platform jib crane. It can be fully customized with a wide range of platform accessories. ELLIOTT EQUIPMENT CO.; 402/592-4500; www. elliottequip.com
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Eliminates Trenching and Backfilling
This attachment, called the IMx SF12c, fits skidsteers, front-end loaders and tractors. It can be used by a single operator to install a silt erosion control fence up to 12 in. deep at 100 ft per minute. The IMx SF12c offers consistent installation that leaves surrounding soil undisturbed and firm for staking. It features the Blade-Loc vibratory plow blade that is compatible with the Silt-Loc fence. IMPLEMAX EQUIPMENT CO. INC.; 800/587-6656; www.implemax.com
Remote Operation
The Vacmasters System 1000 is designed for use by utilities and utility contractors. The system with selectable air or water digging enables the operator to pothole safely using air 95% of the time. Water is available for the most difficult soil conditions, says the manufacturer. It is available in either trailer, truck or skid-mounted models. All systems are powered by an enclosed John Deere 68-hp diesel engine. Features include a cyclonic filtration system, remote operation up to 200 ft away, hydraulic powered dumping and a fully supervised control panel. VACMASTERS; 800/466-7825; www.vacmasters.com
For Cable-Operated Clamshell Buckets
Manufacturer introduces its patented one-line system for cable-operated clamshell buckets and grabs. With the one-line system, any conventional two-line bucket or grab can be easily adapted to operate with just one winch line, making it possible for any type of equipment equipped with a single winch to operate with the same effectiveness as a conventional two-drum crane. According to the company, the system can be supplied to work with any size or type of bucket or grab for any type of application, including mobile, marie or industrial. ALLIED POWER PRODUCTS INC.; 503/626-0654; fax: 503/646-1996
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Soundproof Version
Designed to keep noise levels down in sensitive and noise-restricted areas, a line of hydraulic breakers is now offered in a soundproof version. The Metro-Silenced or Super Metro-Silenced units have an enclosed housing and soundproofing material that absorbs the noise. The complete cycle of the piston is accomplished hydraulically; no gas assistance is needed. The breakers have a narrow profile as well as a tall, narrow piston. TRAMAC CORP.; 800/526-3837; www.tramac.com