Home » Multimedia » Podcasts » ENR Critical Path Podcast » Mike Culmo Knows His ABCs (Accelerated Bridge Construction)
ENR Critical Path Podcast
ENR’s Critical Path Podcast delivers insights from leading industry experts and decision-makers about the latest construction industry innovations, issues and developments.
ENR Editors Aileen Cho and Jeff Yoders talk to the chief bridge engineer with CHA Consulting about ABC and sniffing out new bridge technologies from around the world (inspiring Jeff to sing).
Oracle Industry Lab Vice President of Innovation Burcin Kaplanoglu returns to the Critical Path to talk with Jeff Yoders about artificial intelligence and how it will change construction processes in 2025 and beyond. Robotics, drone technology and other construction tech make it into their conversation as well.
In the Critical Path podcast’s first-ever visual episode, two UAV experts with Rawlins Infra Consult update ENR on the latest and greatest in drone-driven bridge inspections.