A pilot pile program to prove the efficacy of a less-disruptive method for the paused foundation fix at the ailing Millennium Tower in San Francisco could begin the week of Oct. 4.
Reaching the Paris Agreement’s greenhouse-gas-emission reduction targets to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C by 2100 is possible but extremely difficult without huge commitments and major actions of G20 nations and others, says a new study.
San Francisco Dept. of Building Inspection advises the Millennium Tower homeowners association to “refrain from resuming” the pile foundation retrofit for the settling 645-ft-tall condominium until a new approach to the fix is reviewed by the city.
Since Haiti’s magnitude-7.2-earthquake on Aug. 14, which struck the underserved Tiburon Peninsula, Build Health International has marshalled its staff, supporters and resources in Haiti and the U.S., where it is based, to help.
The nonprofit Build Health International overcomes myriad obstacles to enable health care for the world's neediest by providing high-quality, cost-effective hospitals.
Coastal cities of Jeremie and Les Cayes are the most affected by the magnitude-7.2 temblor that killed at least 2,189 people. The main road connecting the two cities was reported impassible due to landslides and cracked pavement.