If you were hoping for a silver-bullet, big-infrastructure solution to save Greater Boston from the impact of rising sea levels, a major study coordinated by University of Massachusetts Boston’s Sustainable Solutions Lab released in the spring may have come as disappointing news.
Located immediately adjacent to the island of Saipan’s pristine western lagoon and tourist recreational areas, this project benefited the community by turning the unusable, dangerous and environmentally problematic 21-acre Puerto Rico Dump into a local park that celebrates peace.
Last week, at the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco, Microsoft announced it is the first large corporate user of a new tool to track the carbon emissions of raw building materials. Microsoft is piloting the tool, called the Embodied Carbon Calculator for Construction or EC3, in the remodel of its 72-acre Seattle campus.
Now a tropical depression with heavy rainfall, storm slows to a crawl and builds significant flood risk across Carolinas and SW Virginia; power still out for 450,000 Duke Energy customers.