The primary goal of this $17-million project was to construct and commission two large dry rooms in 15 weeks as part of an effort to make more than 2 million COVID-19 test kits per week.
In spite of 2020 challenges that included shuttering non-essential construction sites, the construction sector in New York and New Jersey completed scores of noteworthy projects—a number of which achieved recognition as ENR New York 2021 Best Projects.
Agency said it "remains confident in its authority" to issue emergency rule for large employers, but is complying with New Orleans appeals court-ordered halt of required employee vaccination or testing—as multiple lawsuits now are combined and case appears headed for the US Supreme Court; 60 major medical groups urge employers to implement vaccination rule voluntarily.
With another year of the coronavirus pandemic nearing its end, owners have mostly moved past reactionary plans for completing stalled projects and are now actively planning new ones. Looking ahead, how will fundamental changes to market sectors lead owners to potentially reconfigure business models?
This year’s Best Projects contest covered work completed between May 1, 2020, to May 31, 2021. In other words, the period of time that saw the COVID-19 pandemic at its most virulent and impactful to broad sections of the U.S. economy, including the construction industry.
After the COVID-19 pandemic created an urgent global need for ventilators, a manufacturing line was built in an 86,000-sq-ft Reno warehouse in just one month for an international ventilator company.
ENR Southwest's 2021 Project of the Year is a 182,000-sq-ft temporary care facility that could serve up to 1,400 COVID-19 patients—and was designed and built in only 10 days.