Elaine Lockwood Bean has joined the Chicago office of New York City-based contractor Bovis Lend Lease as vice president and business unit leader, responsible for program management, public sector. Most recently a vice president for Tishman Construction, she also has been associate vice president for facilities services at the University of Chicago.
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, a Waltham, Mass., engineering firm, has named Ronald A. Mayville senior principal and national head of its engineering mechanics and infrastructure group. He previously directed his own structural mechanics consulting practice, R.A. Mayville & Associates.
Allan Shapiro has joined engineer-architect Ross & Baruzzini, Saint Louis, as vice president and director of transportation. He had been senior transportation manager for information technology company L-3 Communications and is a former executive of URS Corp.
Karon B. Gilmore has joined MACTEC, Alpharetta, Ga., as a senior principal based in the firm’s Kennesaw, Ga., office. She had been construction project manager and quality-control manager for the government group of BE&K Inc., Birmingham, Ala. The firm was acquired last year by KBR, Houston.
Arizona State University, Tempe, has named G. Edward “Edd” Gibson Jr. programs chair of the Del E. Webb School of Construction, part of the Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering. He had been director of construction engineering in the University of Alabama’s Dept. of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering and director of its Aging Infrastructure Systems Center, a $2-million research unit.
Charlie Vallance has joined Underwater Engineering Services, Port St. Lucie, Fla., as vice president and director of nuclear operations. Prior to joining the firm, he was the general manager of nuclear technical services for Connecticut-based Underwater Construction Corp.
Ames & Gough, an Atlanta insurance broker serving construction industry firms, has named Alan Bressler to lead its environmental practice. He had been a managing director and environmental practice leader at insurer Marsh & Co. and is an advisory board member of the National Brownfields Association.
Susan Warner-Dooley has joined engineer-architect HNTB, Kansas City, Mo., as vice president and national director of strategic, business and financial planning. She is based in New York City. Warner-Dooley most recently was chief strategy and administrative officer in the aviation department at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.