A memorial event is set for June 14 in Englewood, Colo., for Richard P. Arber, vice president of engineer Hatch Mott MacDonald and an early champion of water reuse, who died on April 21 at age 68, says the firm.
No cause or location of death was given. Arber joined the company in 2011, after it acquired Richard P. Arber Associates, the Lakewood, Colo., firm that he founded in 1981.
At HMM, Arber was practice leader in the western U.S. and manager of its water and wastewater group. He was involved in the
design of several cutting-edge projects, including the Denver Water Potable Reuse Demonstration Project, which, during the 1980s and 1990s, was operated to establish the safety of reclaimed wastewater for drinking water.
It was Colorado’s largest water-reuse plant, capable of producing 30 million gallons a day.
The memorial event will be at the Inverness Hotel and Conference Center. Contact Marie Abu-Okal at 303.831.4700 or marie.abu-okal@hatchmott.com for more information, says the firm.