At ENR, our connection to our readers and viewers is a cherished relationship. Over the years, we have posted our content to the social media platforms Facebook and X, but readers and viewers have shown us more recently the importance you place on LinkedIn.

Created around the themes of employment, careers and business, that platform is a natural choice for any publication focused on business and the economy. With ENR’s LinkedIn feed now numbering more than 65,000 followers, and growing fast, we are providing more posts than ever before.

The posts are meant to give convenient access to ENR’s voluminous and award-winning editorial content that includes our industry-exclusive global company rankings and vital cost trend data—as well as extensive coverage of worldwide projects, markets, finance, design approaches, construction methods, risks, technology and events. The posts also include the popular Critical Path Podcast series and ENR’s video channel, which in April was recognized for excellence with a prestigious Jesse H. Neal Award.

Because LinkedIn provides new outreach strategies, the ENR Survey and Rankings Team —which includes editors Emell Adolphus and Jon Keller and data coordinator Jack McMackin—last week struck out in a new direction when it came to their recent survey reporting related to ENR’s Top Owners ranking of construction spending.

They created a zoom video of comments from interviews with three key construction economists—Kermit Baker of the American Institute of Architects, Ken Simonson of the Associated General Contractors and Anirban Basu, CEO of Sage Policy Group. The thought-leaders analyze where the global economy and construction marketplace are going and forces shaping them—such as interest rates, supply chains and the state of government-funded projects under new federal laws, and state and local measures.

Those comments ordinarily would have lived only on, but the survey and rankings team now have made them accessible via LinkedIn. The instincts proved prescient, as many of you have viewed the video via the LinkedIn post.

Of course we welcome your reactions, concerns, comments and suggestions on LinkedIn, on other social media platforms and on Your opinions are taken seriously and we will do all we can to respond to you in a timely way.

To submit a letter to the editor for publication in ENR magazine, please send an email to with appropriate contact information and the words “letter to the editor” in the subject line. We very much value the time, attention and great ideas you provide to ENR.

By Scott Blair
