Simplified Design Steel of Steel Structures
8th Edition by James Ambrose and Patrick Tripeny, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2007, ISBN: 978-0-470-08631-5, 480 pages, $85.00

 Simplified Design Steel of Steel Structures

A reliable and easy-to-use handbook that covers all commonly used steel systems, practices, and research in the field, reinforced with examples of practical designs and general building structural systems. In this edition, the authors examined a wide range of steel structures, building types and construction details, and came up with an updated design guide to conform to current building codes, design practices, and industry standards. It also features various illustrations, expanded text examples, exercise problems and a helpful glossary.

Program Management for Improved Business Results
By Dragan Z. Milosevic, Russ J. Martinelli and James M. Waddel, John Wiley Son�s, 2007, ISBN: 978-0-471-78354-1, 576 pages, $85.00

 Program Management for Improved Business Results

Information on program management has become more critical now that ever before. Although there are a few books providing practical answers, benchmarks and case studies, the authors have written a book focusing on both the macro level of integrating projects and portfolios into the business strategy and the micro level of managing a single program. Throughout the text there are six issue-oriented cases and an additional five comprehensive cases in the appendix.

ReWealth! State Your Claim in the $2 Trillion Redevelopment Trend That�s Renewing the World
By Storm Cunningham, McGraw-Hill Cos., 2008, ISBN: 978-0-07-148982-9, 398 pages, $29.95

 ReWealth! State Your Claim in the $2 Trillion Redevelopment Trend That’s Renewing the World

The problems of the 20th century have become the 21st century�s restorable assets is why developers, investors, planners, civic leaders, community activists and entrepreneurs throughout the world are tapping into the $2 trillion annual market and generating tremendous wealth. Development expert Storm Cunningham reveals a vast new realm of fast-growing, highly-profitable opportunities to revitalize organizations, restore natural resources, develop polluted land, restore structures and rebuild communities, as well as how to avoid some of the pitfalls.

Learning From Failure: Long-Term Behaviour of Heavy Masonry Structures
By Luigia Binda, Politecnico de Milano, Italy, Advances in Architecture Series, Volume 23, WIT Press, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-84564-057-6, 256 pages, $168.00

 Learning From Failure: Long-Term Behaviour of Heavy Masonry Structures

Designed to help architects and engineers understand and deal with the continuous damage of heavy structures, this book recognizes signs of the phenomenon, proposed predictive models, and guidelines for the on-site investigation, monitoring and repair of damaged structures. It also examines a number of well known cases, such as the Civic Tower of Pavia collapsed without any apparent warning signs, killing four people. With over 200 publications in her field, Professor Luigia Binda focuses her current research on preservation and structural restoration of ancient buildings; non-destructive evaluation of structures; material decay due to aggressive environment; behaviour of long-term heavy masonry structures, and repair techniques.

Solitary Waves in Fluids
Editor: Roger H.J. Grimshaw, Loughborough University, UK, WIT Press, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-84564-157-3, 201 pages, $130.00(US)

Solitary Waves in Fluids

Since mid 1960s interest in solitary waves in fluids has lapsed. John Scott Russell initially observed solitary wave in a canal provided his insightful laboratory experiments. Others have written papers describing the discovery of the soliton, followed by the rapid development of the theory of solitons and integrable systems. At the same time came the realization that solitary waves occur naturally in many physical systems, and play a fundamental role in many circumstances. After an historical introduction, five chapters cover the basic theory of the Korteweg-de Vries equation, and the subsequent application to free-surface solitary waves in water to internal solitary waves in the coastal ocean and the atmospheric boundary layer, solitary waves in rotating flows, and to planetary solitary waves with application to the ocean and atmosphere. The remaining chapter examines the theory and application of envelop solitary waves and the nonlinear Schrodinger equation to water waves.

Sedimentation Engineering: Processes, Measurements, Modeling, and Practice
ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 110 Edited by Marcelo Garcia, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2008, ISBN: 10-0-7844-0814-9, 1,150 pages, $185.00 and $138.75 (ASCE member price)

Sedimentation Engineering: Processes, Measurements, Modeling, and Practice

Concerned mainly with sediment problems involved in the development, use, control and conservation of water and land resources, the aim of this book is to give an understanding of the nature and scope of sedimentation problems, the methods for their investigation, and practical approaches to their solution. This text is intended to supplement Sedimentation Engineering: Classic Edition (ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 54), a seminal on the nature and scope of sedimentation problems, methods for their investigation, and practical approaches to their solution. In addition to updating selected topics in the original manual, this book will also addresses new topics, such as the hydraulic action of flowing water in the context of rivers and inland water bodies.