BP’s Macondo well is no longer a threat to the Gulf of Mexico, retired-U.S. Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen said Sept. 4 after the blowout preventer was removed from the top of the well without the release of any additional oil. The BOP was shipped to a government facility in Louisiana for analysis.
BP says it will still finish a relief well as an extra measure of safety later this month.
Meanwhile, BP announced it would provide results of its investigation into the April 20 accident on the Deepwater Horizon on Sept. 8. An oil industry response task force Sept. 7 released a preliminary report that oil spill response technology, particularly mechanical recovery methods used in the spills, such as skimmers and vacuums, should be improved.
In related news, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is investigating a Sept. 2 explosion aboard a Mariner Energy oil and gas platform in 340 ft of water, 102 miles offshore Louisiana. Thirteen crewmembers jumped from the platform and were rescued. BOEM says that the platforms seven wells are secure.