A new Web-based service researches code documents of the National Fire Protection Association and extracts those that apply in specific situations.

Called The Code Counselor, from CodeLamp Corp., Jericho, N.Y., the service uses an interview and evaluation process to filter out non-applicable requirements. It then produces a report that, under a license with the NFPA, presents the exact text of provisions that apply. It will also flag other issues that may warrant consideration.

NFPA Codes 30, 31, 37 and 90A are covered in the first offerings. Others are on the way, says Herb Cooper, chairman.

"It's pretty easy to use," says Thomas Shults, director of engineering for the Americas at ABB Equity Ventures, Princeton, N.J. Shults says he ran a test based upon a gas turbine installation and the system returned good results. A couple of things "looked flaky," he said, but when he checked he found they were actually in the code. The service is free through the end of the year at www.codelamp.com.