US engineer's board rejects the London-based giant's bid, which would require halting a planned buy of CB&I, but the offer may rise. One analyst is not keen on the counter offer.
Philip K. Asherman, chief executive of CB&I, says he believes prime contractor Toshiba Corp. will finish two delayed and over budget nuclear power-plant projects in Georgia and South Carolina.
On a project decades in the making, crews will soon begin demolishing a defunct nuclear-reactor caisson in Eureka, Calif., at a site located only a few feet from the Pacific Ocean.
Officially commemorating the 130th day under a new contracting team that is leading the $16-billion Plant Vogtle nuclear expansion project, top leaders with Georgia Power and its contractors on May 3 used the milestone to assure craft workers of their commitment to future construction gains.
A first-of-its-kind natural-gas-fired power plant that will emit no greenhouse gases is now under construction near Houston, and its commercialization is being financed in part by engineering-procurement-construction contractor CB&I, with the hope CB&I will be the go-to builder for larger versions of the plant in the future.