I recently posted several blog items providing a state-by-state look at the last six months for each Southeast state's construction contract activity. Basically, I reported McGraw-Hill Construction's monthly estimates for new contracts in the states of Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina over the last six months.
That was one way to look at it. And here's another: Each state's year-to-date figures, through February, comparing 2012 to 2011.
In this post, we'll forget about percentage improvements. The markets have fallen so far, that the percentage gains are likely to be high, and therefore misleading. Instead, we'll just look at the construction contract totals.
NOTE: As I've stated previously, McGraw-Hill Construction's figures represent the value of new contracts. Therefore, they indicate future construction activity, and not present work.
Year-to-Date, 2012:2011
2012 2011
Florida $3.5B $2.6B
Georgia $1.6B $1.4B
North Carolina $1.9B $1.75B
South Carolina $1.1B $1.1B
Source: McGraw-Hill Construction Dodge
By these numbers, it appears that Florida is the only Southeast state in which the pace of new contracts appears to be picking up significantly. Collectively, the slight increases in Georgia and North Carolina equate to less than $400 million in improvement in 2012, compared to 2011. And South Carolina is flat.
So what are your opinions? Is it looking like 2012 will prove to be "more of the same"? Is Florida the place to be? What kind of "action" are you seeing in your area?
Let me hear your thoughts!