Japan's plan to discharge treated wastewater from the stricken plant into the sea would have "negligible" health and environmental impacts, says International Atomic Energy Agency.
To operate underground Waste Isolation Pilot Plant for waste storage, US Energy Dept. must update public on efforts to identify another nuclear repository site out of state.
U.S. EPA is set to invest appropriated funds for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure projects, PFAS treatment efforts and lead service line replacement.
Water sector professionals met in Toronto to discuss challenges of aging infrastructure, climate change and replacement of lead and copper water service lines.
Justices ruled unanimously that two Idaho landowners, in their second appeal before the court, should not be fined for building near wetlands that did not appear to have a direct surface connection to a larger body of water—but four cautioned in a separate opinion that the majority went too far in reducing federally protected areas.
Proposal is Biden administration’s take on reducing carbon
emissions from power generation sources and would replace the Trump
administration less-stringent Affordable Clean Energy Rule enacted in
In early December 2021, the Denver International Airport made headlines across the U.S. after a hot water pipe broke a month before a major terminal expansion project was expected to complete.