An ongoing political battle between the Obama administration and Congress over construction of the budget-busting Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility in South Carolina heated up after Oct. 3, when Vladimir Putin announced that Russia is suspending its participation in the international treaty governing plutonium disposition that served as the project’s impetus.
After the federal government temporarily halted construction on a portion of the Dakota Access Pipeline project in North Dakota, disputes continue, pitting protesters against construction crews and unions against each other.
Homebuilders confidence in the single-family residential construction market in September jumped six points, to 65, according to the National Association of Home Builders index, released on Sept. 19.
Driving faster than the posted limit in a highway work zone, no one enjoys the sting of a speeding ticket for $250 or higher—as it would be in, for example, Illinois—especially if you are caught on camera and not by a cop.
Critics from industry and academia are raising questions about a study from the University of Oxford's Saïd Business School about the true cost of large hydropower dams.
Developers are looking to replace aging, coal-fired unit with efficient, cleaner gas-fired plants. In a market in which many plants are built on spec, each new project threatens the economics of all plants.