At a time when many of the media images from the Middle East show turmoil, we thought we would show you a video of a signing ceremony at the Business and Investment in Qatar Forum, held April 6-7 in New York City. Executives of Parsons Corp. and AECOM inked infrastructure development deals, and the atmosphere, like the sound track of the video, was steady and upbeat. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said the contracts announced that day were not just big deals but good deals. We think's video channels are also a good deal, providing 250 free video reports on everything from design to business to failures. Our videos introduce you to places and faces that can't be found on any other construction industry website.
Too Much BIM?
Don Short asks in his latest blog post if architects and engineers rely too much on BIM.
Too Little Money:
WashingtonBureau Chief Tom Ichniowski's new blog post explores what budget cutting means to construction.
Fallen Arches?
Engineer Brian Brenner blogs about marathons.