In addition to the amazing photo contest image, ENR has a new touch on the magazine’s cover this week. Our logo has been refined and our tagline updated to keep current with our digital transformation. ENR now delivers news to subscribers via electronic news alerts 365 days a year—not just once week —and on our website 24/7. Our print magazine, published 36 times a year, is “the construction resource” of the industry for analysis, data and commentary in addition to news.
“The new logo is part of an overall design and branding effort for our seven new regional editions by publication design consultant Robert Newman,” says Francesca Messina, McGraw-Hill Construction senior group art director.
“There is something about the simplicity and strength of the letter forms of the updated logo that complements those same qualities in the cover photo of the Sacramento airport concourse roof,” says Richard Demler, ENR art director and first-time photo contest judge. “I was blown away by the grand scale of some of the project shots. But what really won my attention was how many of the photographers were able to capture the human aspect behind the projects.”
Tom Sawyer, ENR senior editor and photo contest director, said the 10th annual competition drew 1,839 photos—a new record—and “at the conclusion of the judging when we reviewed the winners, everyone spontaneously broke out in applause. That’s another first, and it was moving that it was so genuine.”
Sawyer invited Joanne Foulke, vice president, risk management services, Cauldwell Wingate Company, LLC, to be the safety expert for the judging panel. In addition to helping pick the best images, the safety expert is asked to spot violations so ENR doesn’t publish pictures depicting dangerous practices. “Joanne was good at spotting such things, explaining what she saw and aggressive in weeding them out. She had an eye for a great photo as well,” Sawyer says.
Rounding out the panel were Ted Keller, art director of ENR’s sister magazine GreenSource, and Debra Rubin, ENR editor-at-large for business. Rubin says, “The photos showed the industry’s broad scale as well as bringing viewers so close we seemed to be right on site with the workers.”
Art directors with their photographic sensibilities were balanced by editors’ news judgement and the safety expert’s eye for detail. This issue presents the 32 winning photos.
ENR People News (ENR 11/22/10, p. 68), mistakenly noted that Peter O. Shea Sr., executive vice president of contractor J.F. Shea Co. Inc., Walnut, Calif., was vice president of the Beavers heavy construction organization based in Los Altos, Calif. The correct executive in that role is Peter O. Shea Jr., who also is president and CEO of J.F. Shea Co. Inc.