In its continuing quest to raise the profile and professionalism of construction management, the Construction Management Association of America has issued a well-crafted guide to this not-always-understood industry niche. It details how current and prospective practitioners can better serve owners as well as advance their own careers.
Author John J. McKeon, a CMAA staff vice president, has laid out a detailed overview of the profession, from education and job requirements to global challenges and trends. He has canvassed the group's membership to include their explanations and anecdotes, punctuating and personalizing the narrative. Some are better than others, and voices of private-sector owners and contractors might have helped. However, the book's text, layout and graphics enhance readability, and the resource-rich appendices add to the package.
"Becoming a Construction Manager" by John J. McKeon, 210 pages, John Wiley & Sons, 2011