If you heard a particular guy was in a Mafia family, maybe it's wrong to say, but it was exciting because we all watched the crime movies. But most people did and do make a career without being involved with criminal activity. Actually after I finished the book, the tktktktktktktktktkt(what's missing here???)
Do you talk about closing the company in the book? DITCH THIS OR UPDATE
I just get to the end and say...whatever happens in the future our company will not be part of it. Since finishing the book...we've made more positive arrangements to close the company. Happliy we were able to make arrangements with a very fine company to take on our people...I don't think it's a secret that it's the Gilbane company, very large, one of the top ten contractors, who seem very happy to take on our people....We'll be I'm afraid, closing the office doors.
What originally interested you in writing?
I keep thinking of the chaplain when I was in the Navy Seabees during World War II. He was the only member of the outfit who was not an engineer or constructor. He was always trying to interest us in other topics of the day, but we always went back to our technical topics.
Finally the chaplain looked up at the sky and said, 'Dear Lord, I know I have sinned, but did I deserve to be put on an island in the middle of the Pacific with nobody for company but these engineers, who don't seem to have any interest in anything worthwhile?'
I think of the chaplain...he was instrumental in my going back to school at Columbia University WHEN??? for a degree in English literature.
Follow this link to check out the link to a video interview with Sam Florman. of the interview with the author.