As hurricane season dawnedon June 1, Shaw Environmental & Infrastructure Group, Baton Rouge, headed into production mode on construction of a $695-million, 2-mile-long, gated storm-surge barrier to help protect the southeast flank of New Orleans. By midsummer, more than 100 cranes and supply barges will be engaged. Under contract to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Shaw is using a 500-ton crane to set and drive 66-inch-dia, 144-ft-long concrete spun-cast cylinder piles to form the vertical face of the surge-barrier wall. By June 4, a second crane of the same type is scheduled to join in. Shaw expects to drive 72 piles per week, working two10-hour shifts.

Workforce and Fleet Swarms on New Orleans Flood Defenses
Photo: Angelle Bergeron / ENR