City Grill

Scott Russell

Scott Russell 
Los Angeles Group Leader

Scott Russell says Arup is “always bullish on Los Angeles” thanks to the City of Angels’ diversified economy, skilled workforce and an entrepreneurial spirit that attracts global talent. 

“Right now, we’re seeing many projects progress across multiple sectors, and we are hopeful that federal infrastructure investments will hit the ground, contributing to a buoyant market for design and construction professions as well as better basic services for residents across the region,” Russell says.

Russell notes that long-term challenges, including an overheated housing market and the problems of the unhoused need to be addressed by the community, along with other issues such as embracing a regional approach to electrification, decarbonization and resilient infrastructure. 

“No single community can solve these existential problems, making this the fundamental challenge facing every market in Los Angeles: regional cooperation in the interest of a healthy, humane and inclusive community for all,” he says.