Upload your photos of California A/E/C events here! Whether it's a project groundbreaking, an industry conference, holiday celebration or other event, share your photos here with the rest of California's A/E/C community.
Have a photo for this gallery? Click here
The A/E/C community in California has been asked to submit examples of its best design and construction work in the state--photos of projects that are being built or have been recently completed, as well as renderings of projects still in the conceptual phase.
Have a photo for this gallery? Click here
Photos of people working in California's A/E/C industry. These photos can be of personnel appointments and promotions, workers in action on a job site -- or otherwise caught doing their jobs!
Have a photo for this gallery? Click here
Photos of people working in California's A/E/C industry. These photos can be of personnel appointments and promotions, workers in action on a job site -- or otherwise caught doing their jobs!
Upload your photos of California A/E/C events here! Whether it's a project groundbreaking, an industry conference, holiday celebration or other event, share your photos here with the rest of California's A/E/C community.
The A/E/C community in California has been asked to submit examples of its best design and construction work in the state--photos of projects that are being built or have been recently completed, as well as renderings of projects still in the conceptual phase. The editors of Architectural Record and ENR California have chosen some for display in this showcase photo gallery.
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