Portable Submersible Pumps
Where Space Is Limited
Two submersible pumps with a slim design are suitable for dewatering applications such as construction sites, trenches and deep excavations. The new Bibo BS2102 and BS2125 with diameters of 111/2 and 143/8 in., respectively, are recommended for use in tight spaces and inside small pipes. The high-head BS2125 develops up to 240 ft of head, delivering up to 24 gallons per minute of liquid, while the standard version pumps up to 850 gpm. Both models feature aluminum alloy major castings, stainless steel shaft and tungsten carbide seals. ITT Flygt Corp.; 203/380-4700; www.ittflygt.com

Wheeled Excavators
Increased Lifting
The PW200-7 and PW220-7 wheeled excavators are the latest additions to the Dash-7 product line. Both models are fitted with a Komatsu SAA6D102E-2 six-cylinder, water-cooled engine and offer added versatility and mobility on the jobsite. The machines also feature a 39,573-lb bucket digging force and a 27,205-lb arm force for higher lifting capacity. They operate with 158 hp at 1950 rpm. Komatsu America Corp.; 847/970-5815; www.komatsuamerica.com

ZHS Series Excavators
Improves Operators’ Speed on Jobsite
Manufacturer introduces the new ZHS series compact hydraulic excavators. The 430 and 435 models are the first to feature the FastTrack drive system and zero house swing. Equipped with separate piston pumps and high-torque drive motors to power the left and right tracks, the FastTrack system replaces the conventional hydraulic drive system found on other excavators and offers better torque control for dozing, smoother turns under a load and more gradual turns on surfaces like asphalt and concrete. Bobcat Co.; 866/823-7898; www.bobcat.com

Asphalt Odor Suppressant
Liquid Additive
A S Cherry is a new liquid odor-reducing additive developed to help hot-mix asphalt users eliminate odors emitted during production and paving jobs. The patented product works by encapsulating the odor-causing molecules in asphalt cement. It can be added at the producer level using off-the-shelf metering equipment. It is highly effective when mixed in a ratio of one-half to 6,000 gallons of asphalt cement. It also has been used in cold mix and medium cure applications and roofing asphalt. Asphalt Solutions Inc.; 623/853-2273; www. asphaltsolutions.com

GlideLoc Access Ladder
Safety Climb
The Söll GlideLoc Safe-Climbing Ladder Systems are engineered for structures requiring height access, or are available in retrofit kits for existing ladders. The product provides vertical climbing and horizontal access without disconnecting or reconnecting to the safety rail. In the event of a fall, the Comfort fall arrestor instantly locks onto the rail. Söll Americas, a division of the Bacou-Dalloz group; 866/289-7655; www.bacou-dalloz.com