The June 8 award to Jacobs Engineering of an engineer-procure-construct contract for the $5.3-billion next phase of the giant Oyo Togoi underground copper-and-gold mine in Mongolia gave industry-sector investors and analysts some hope that the sluggish mining sector might be rallying.
The North Carolina DOT’s design-build totals soon will increase to more than 110 projects, with a value of close to $6 billion. That includes the 2.7-mile Bonner Bridge replacement, delayed for four years by lawsuits.
As a new federal rule takes effect in August to require employers to post injury and illness records electronically, lawmakers and construction-sector advocates on opposite sides squared off at a May 25 congressional hearing on the mandate’s approach to improved workplace safety.
The owner of a specialty infield-dirt supplier for the Houston Astros, Atlanta Braves and other baseball and softball fields needed a custom pug mill to insure a consistent product.