Delivered on time and within budget, this project added 35,000 sq ft of new space in addition to renovating 51,000 sq ft. The building provides an ideal space in which to train the next generation of New Mexico’s teachers and allows for adaptation of the learning environment to meet the technological requirements of the future. Building volumes are organized to concentrate classroom spaces away from office spaces to enable greater energy efficiency. New laboratory classrooms, interview and observation rooms, as well as the addition of a crucial resource library, conveniently allowed the Department of Education to centralize its operations.
Owner: New Mexico State University -Regents
Design Firm: Van H. Gilbert Architect PC; Shepley Bulfinch
General Contractor: Wooten Construction Co.
Engineers: Chavez Grieves Consulting Engrs.; Bridgers & Paxton Consulting Engrs.; Bohannan Huston
Subcontractors: CD Mechanical; Lynco Electric; Air Moving Equipment Co.; Las Cruces Concrete Construction; Fort Selden Roofing Co.; Alliance Riggers & Constructors; Hark Drilling; Southwest Glass & Glazing