The Colorado Chapter of the American Institute of Architects held its annual Young Architects Awards Gala in Denver on April 26. The winners were selected from entries submitted by firms, designers, students and young architects (designers licensed 10 years or less) from across the state. Entries were judged by a jury of architects and community leaders, facilitated by Dr. Mark Gelernter, dean of the College of Architecture and Planning at the University of Colorado Denver.

Photo by Ryan Kane, courtesy of AIA Colorado
AIA Colorados Built Architecture Award went to representatives of the Colorado Building Workshop at the University of Colorado Denver, instructed by Rick Sommerfeld, Assoc. AIA.

The following scholarships and grants were awarded by The Architectural Education Foundation of AIA Colorado.


2013 YAAG Award Winners

• Young Architect of the Year: Michael Piché, AIA

• Instructor of the Year: Frederick Andreas, AIA; Honorable Mention  - John Lanterman

• Mentor of the Year: Brandon Anderson, AIA

• Student Portfolio: Caleb White, Alex McCann

• Graphics – Digital Media: Joey Pruett, Assoc. AIA; Honorable Mention  - Graham Bowman, AIAS

• Craftsmanship – Artistic: Caitlin Blythe, Assoc. AIA

• Unbuilt Architecture: Alex McCann; Honorable Mention - Kathryn Swasey, AIAS, Stephan Hall, Assoc. AIA

• Built Architecture: Colorado Building Workshop at the University of Colorado Denver, including: instructor Rick Sommerfeld, Assoc. AIA; Caitlin Blythe, Assoc. AIA; Nicole Bruechner, AIAS; Michael Bucher, Assoc. AIA; Nicole Davis; Carrie Hadley, AIAS; Katherine Hawkins, Assoc. AIA; Christopher Johnston, Assoc. AIA; Robert Kiester; William Koning; Milen Milev; Rachel Mott; Will Murray, AIAS; Gerald Reynolds; JD Signom, AIAS; Astrid Vander


2013 Honors Awards – University of Colorado Denver, College of Architecture & Planning

• Alpha Rho Chi Medal: Maria Alejandra Delgado de Leon, AIAS

• Henry Adams Medal: Stephan Hall, Assoc. AIA

• Henry Adams Certificate of Merit: Adam Boyd Steinbach


2013 Traveling Scholarships

• James M. Hunter, FAIA, Scholarship - $2,000: Jade Polizzi, Assoc. AIA; Stephen Eckert, AIA