Before replacing its only bridge, the city of Tomahawk, Wis., was tasked with relocating dozens of utility cables and lines secured to the bridge's underside.

The city weighed several options before deciding to dredge a packet of conduits across the river, an approach requiring permits for utility extensions, a lift station, high-capacity wells and dredging in a navigable waterway.
The resulting packet contains three 12-in. conduits, six 4-in. conduits and two 6-in. conduits, all assembled and bolted to custom-formed concrete pipe anchors.
Input from several contractors working closely with the engineer and equipment suppliers was pivotal to the project's success.
North 4th Street Bridge Utilities Relocation, Tomahawk, Wis. Key Players
Owner: City of Tomahawk, Wis.
General Contractor: A-1 Excavating, Bloomer, Wis.
Designer: Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (SEH), Appleton, Wis.
Submitted by: Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.