City Grill

Mike Salsgiver
Executive Director
AGC Oregon-Columbia Chapter
Despite recent social challenges and pandemic aftereffects, the Portland-Vancouver metropolitan area continues to be a strong place for construction, Salsgiver says. The chapter serves all of Oregon and five-and-a-half counties in southwest Washington.
“In Oregon, there was virtually no impact from the pandemic. Construction remained open and active,” he says.
The new infrastructure investments passed by Congress will serve the area well, he says.
Major public projects that are well along include the approximately $1.3-billion I-5/Rose Quarter improvements and the nearly $500-million I-205 Abernethy Bridge project. “We continue to push for authorization and construction of the vitally needed I-5 Interstate Bridge Replacement project, estimated at $3 billion.
Workforce is the most serious challenge for area. “We continue to struggle to find the trained and skilled workers we need,” he says. “Even with the possibility of a slight recession in 2023, the prognosis for construction in Oregon and southwest Washington state remains strong.”