STAQ Pharma
Award of Merit

Owner: STAQ Pharma
Lead Design Firm: TreanorHL
Owners Representative | Engineering: Vista Engineering
General Contractor: Turner Construction
MEP Engineer: The RMH Group
Subcontractors: Aggregate Industries; Arapahoe Fire Protection; Colorado Doorways; Dynamis Demolition; Ground Engineering; HSS; Malm Electrical Contractors

The STAQ Pharma project retrofitted an existing 18,000-sq-ft warehouse space into a new 503B outsourcing facility. The renovated space allows the pharmaceutical firm to produce, package and distribute medication across the country. The design and construction of the facility has revolutionized the way hospitals will receive medication for their patients by creating a sterile, controlled environment to deliver the highest-quality product.

Turner Construction built 5,000 sq ft of clean room space for the project, which included classified rooms with different air changes and differential pressure cascades that allow spaces to continuously move non-clean air outside the sterile spaces. The project also included changing rooms, a laboratory and washroom, and a controlled unloading room for incoming materials.

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