The Associated Builders and Contractors Rocky Mountain Chapter held its annual Chapter Awards dinner and board of directors’ installation on Jan. 19 in Denver. Milender White Construction won the Merit Shop Defender award and General Contractor of the Year honors. In photo, from left, Darren Hinton, John Barnhart and Alex Stein of Milender White accepted the award. Other winners included: Merit Electric, Outstanding Service by a New Member; EKS&H LLP, Associate of the Year; Bobcat of the Rockies, Supplier of the Year; and RK Mechanical, Subcontractor of the Year. Individual and special awards went to: Trip DeMuth of Faegre Baker Daniels, Special Service Award; Government Affairs Committee, President’s Award; Shane Fobes of Milender White, Grassroots Champion; Liz Castro, EKS&H, Young Professional of the Year; and Marissa Bolton of Bobcat of the Rockies, ABCer of the Year.

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