ENR Southwest will publish a ranked listing of the region’s Top Construction Starts in the March 6 edition. To compile the list, we've not only referenced information from Dodge Data & Analytics, but our ongoing coverage of projects in the three-state region of Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. We’ve targeted projects with a valuation of at least $60 million in our research.
Our preliminary list in alphabetical order is below.
To ensure the list is as complete as possible, we invite you to submit notable regional projects not seen below — from the three-state region of Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico — that broke ground last year and are valued at more than $60 million, to jguzzon.enr@gmail.com. When suggesting a project, please indicate the name, location, construction cost, construction start date (month/year), owner and builder, as well as the project's projected finish date. Please submit the information no later than Feb. 15.
Or, if you think any of these projects actually did not break ground in 2018 or are valued under $60 million, please let me know.
Amazon Fulfillment Center, North Las Vegas, Nev.
Amazon Fulfillment Center Port of Tucson Warehouse Project, Tucson, Ariz.
Becton Dickinson SW HQ, Tempe, Ariz.
Caesar's Forum Convention & Meeting Center, Las Vegas
Desert Skies Middle School, Sun Valley, Nev.
Elliot Road Technology Data Center phase one, Mesa, Ariz.
Facebook Data Center Building 3, Los Lunas, N.M.
Fulcrum Bio-refinery, Storey County, Nev.
Google Data Center, Henderson Nev.
Great Wolf Lodge Arizona, Scottsdale, Ariz.
Harry Allen to Eldorado 500 kV Transmission Project, Las Vegas
Iron Mountain Data Storage Center Expansion, Phoenix
Las Vegas Convention Center Expansion, phase two, Las Vegas
Madison Square Gardens and Sands Sphere Arena, Las Vegas,
Mercy Gilbert Hospital Joint Women & Children's Services Tower, Gilbert, Ariz.
Mirabella Senior Living/Retirement Continuing Care Tower, Tempe, Ariz.
Montreux Luxury Apartments, Phoenix
National Nuclear Security Administration Albuquerque Complex, Albuquerque, N.M.
Palms Hotel and Casino Renovations, Las Vegas
Ritz Carlton Hotel, Paradise Valley Ariz.
Sky Harbor International Airport, Skytrain Stage 2, Phoenix
Spanish Springs Middle School, Spanish Springs, Nev.
The Las Vegas Ballpark at Summerlin Centre, Summerlin, Nev.
University Nevada Reno William N. Pennington College of Engineering Building, Reno, Nev.
U.S. 95 Widening Project, Northwest Las Vegas, Nev.
Wynn Paradise Park Convention Center, Las Vegas