The next issue of ENR Southwest will present the results of our Top Design Firms survey along with a yearly snapshot of the health of regional firms and the market niches in which they perform. More than 75 firms participated in the survey and targeted lists will provide further information on who is performing what type of work and where.

And, as always, the May print issue of ENR Southwest will also include a profile on the Design Firm of the Year. This year’s honoree is Bohannan Huston of Albuquerque, N.M. The regional editors selected Bohannan Huston because of their performance, strength within New Mexico market, and that they increased their revenue by about 15 percent in 2013.

This regionally-focused firm is cemented in New Mexico and is branching out through the Southwest while performing civil, structural, construction, mechanical, or electrical engineering services. The well-rounded firm puts an emphasis on their devotion to advanced technologies and the ability to perform a variety of engineering and design services from pre-construction through the end of the job.

Serving in a variety of projects in a variety of project types, one of Bohannan Huston’s most high-profile start in 2013 was on the $450 million El Cabo wind farm in Torrance County, N.M. The firm is providing civil engineering and surveying services to that project.

On a regional scale, the 175-person firm served on several notable projects, including the $18 million Chinle Judicial and Safety Complex in the Navajo Nation and renovations of Las Lunas High School in Albuquerque.

The firm’s leadership is comprised of a group of long tenured employees, most of whom joined immediately graduating from college. Community involvement is made evident in a commitment to work with United Blood Services — the firm and its employees have donated more than 1,400 pints of blood in the past decade.

We’ll have much more on Bohannan Huston and a perspective from other design forms on their viewpoint on current business conditions. If you would like to contribute, please email me at