Fulton Road Reconstruction
Santa Rosa, Calif.           
Award of Merit

Owner/Lead Design Firm: City of Santa Rosa
General Contractor: Ghilotti Brothers Inc.
Advisory Consultant: California Nevada Cement Association
Subcontractors: Canyon Rock Co.; CNCA; Green Valley; Kennedy Jenks; Urata & Sons

This reconstruction project improved approximately 24,000 sq yd of a principal arterial road for highway, school, residential, retail and industrial traffic. The upgrades included new fiber optic cables, drainage improvements and much needed pedestrian ramps. The project team used alternative design-alternative bid (AD-AB) bidding, which allowed for both traditional asphalt and roller-compacted concrete pavement work to compete in a live and competitive bid, saving the city more than $1 million. In addition to a time crunch due to school openings and the pending rainy season, the project team also had to contend with the Kincaid wildfire, which forced the reopening of Fulton Road as the area’s primary emergency evacuation route.

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