Albion Riverside Park
Los Angeles
Best Project

Owner: City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Sanitation; Dept. of Recreation and Parks; Bureau of Engineering
Lead Design Firm | Structural Engineer | Civil Engineer: Tetra Tech
General Contractor: Sully-Miller Contracting Co.
MEP Engineer: ProjectLine Technical Services
Landscape Architect: City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering, Architectural Division
Geotechnical Engineer: Ninyo & Moore

The Albion Riverside Park project focused on improving water quality in the Los Angeles River and creating recreational uses on adjacent land. Plans called for low-impact development, green infrastructure and best-practice systems and measures that included bioretention facilities, bioswales and pervious pavement subsurface areas to improve stormwater quality before it discharges into the river.

In addition to collecting, treating and infiltrating onsite runoff, the new system diverts stormwater and dry weather flows from an existing storm drain, with diverted flows treated and infiltrated or utilized within the park. The park improves access to the river and includes recreational and educational uses, including multipurpose athletic fields, basketball courts, walking paths, fitness equipment, a playground and picnic areas. The landscaping features water-wise plantings and a smart irrigation system.

As the project unfolded, the team discovered that the site had been used for industrial activity for quite some time. Industrial uses included metal pipe manufacturing, brewery operations, automotive repair, ice cream manufacturing and the storage and distribution of milk products. Two environmental site assessments revealed contaminants. Crews subsequently excavated and removed 60.5 tons of material that contained asbestos and 16,168 tons of contaminated soil.

Rapid processing of documents, easy access to information and consistent project logs using the city’s web-based construction management system contributed to a timely completion.

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