A specialized construction team recently completed the new four-story, 84-bed, 89,000-sq-ft Duncan Patient Wing at Alton Memorial Hospital for client BJC HealthCare in Alton, Ill.
The construction team consisted of construction manager S. M. Wilson of St. Louis, architect Pratt Design Studio of Chicago, and Guarantee Electrical of St. Louis. The $45 million project was completed on time and under budget.
After winning the assignment by competitive bid based on schematic documents, the project team members devoted a year to preconstruction planning by using 3D modeling within a web-based system to achieve real-time design-engineering coordination among all parties.
The intensive pre-planning was required to ensure the hospital would operate seamlessly while it was operating entirely on back-up generators as Guarantee Electrical replaced and upgraded its central power system.
In fulfilling a design-assist role, Guarantee installed power, lighting, emergency, technology, data, fire alarm and security systems in the new wing and a new utility substation with site distribution to 5kV outdoor gear.
Guarantee constructed emergency backup power for the campus by installing two-1000kW diesel generators, paralleling switchgear housed in a new generator building.
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