The Tempe office of McCarthy Building Cos. will substantially complete the East Basins Reconstruction Project at the Deer Valley Water Treatment Plant as scheduled on Nov. 8.

On that date, water will flow into the distribution system from the 100-million-gallon-per-day facility at 3030 W. Dunlap Ave. in north Phoenix.

Construction manager-at-risk McCarthy was given notice to proceed on pre-construction from the city of Phoenix in June 2006 and for construction in March 2008. The company expects to make final delivery of the $123.6-million project in February, says Robert Knochenhauer, senior vice president of the company’s water services division.

Wilson Engineers, Phoenix, designed the replacement plant. McCarthy is self-performing the concrete, mechanical, equipment setting and miscellaneous metals and fiberglass fabrications.

The new plant will be supplied with Salt River Project water and primarily serve the city of Phoenix. Prior to construction, the seven-acre site had two 75-mgd trains, or halves, says Mike Kasem, project manager for the city. “The east half suffered cracking and settlement of the structures due to inadequate soils” and was demolished prior to McCarthy’s involvement, Kasem says.

The new 100-mgd facility and the original facilities will share ancillary components such as the raw water pump station, most of the chemical feed systems, backwash pump station and reservoirs, Kasem says.

The project was made up of five separate bid packages performed in phases. Package one included earthwork in the demolished east plant area and construction of a chlorine dioxide facility, sodium chloride facility and wash-water equalization basin.

Package two consisted of construction of pre-sedimentation basins and sand-ballasted flocculation basins, early procurement of process equipment and long-lead electrical equipment.

Packages three and four involved construction of granulated activated carbon filters, rapid-mix basins, chemical process modifications, new electrical and controls for the east basin and upgrading the remaining plant facility control system.

Construction of a caustic injection structure and converting the existing alum system to ferric chloride was in package five.