Award of Merit- Small Project (Under $10 Million)

The new 17,000-sq-ft Fort McHenry Education and Visitors Center replaced an existing structure built in 1966 for the National Park Service at the site of the Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine in Baltimore. The $9-million center is expected to serve about 750,000 visitors a year and feature exhibits geared toward a young audience. Registered with the Green Building Certification Institute, the center is expected to achieve LEED-Silver certification through its use of a geothermal heating and cooling system, solar control and materials with high recycled content.
Key Players
Owner: National Park Service, Denver
General Contractor & Construction Manager: Forrester Construction Co., Rockville, Md.
Lead Designer: GWWO, Baltimore
Submitted by: Forrester Construction Co., Rockville, Md.