ENR’s National Top 20 Under 40

Denver, CO, CO

Andrew Gilstrap Andrew Gilstrap
Vice President
JE Dunn Construction

Transparency and strong communication skills guide this young leader

Gilstrap began his career as a project engineer at JE Dunn after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in construction management from Colorado State University. He has worked on many award-winning projects, including Spire Denver and the Sugar Cube, and continued to work for Dunn while he pursued his MBA from the University of Colorado Denver, earning his degree in 2012. He is currently leading the team delivering three buildings on the SPUR Campus at the National Western Center, projects valued at more than $150 million. Colleagues note his transparency and strong communication skills in managing complex projects. His leadership of an $8-million confidential semiconductor project is credited with turning the one-time project into a $200-million, multi-year, multi-project relationship with the client. Gilstrap continues his mentoring work with CSU’s construction management program, where as a student he served as president of the Associated General Contractors CSU chapter. He shares real-world industry experience with CSU students by providing tours and presentations to classes and driving engagement with CSU-NWC’s WorkNow and BigGreen Initiatives.

ENR Top Young Professionals