Our first dispatch from the FutureTech conference in San Francisco brought a common plea from venture capitalists, consultants and engineering and construction professionals.
Our first dispatch from the FutureTech conference in San Francisco brought a common plea from venture capitalists, consultants and engineering and construction professionals.
What are the implications and liability exposure for using or relying on data gathered by an automated drone in a construction project? This fast-paced technology evolution could leave existing law behind and force courts to rely on outdated precedents to resolve disputes involving drone technology.
The use of drones for business is a relatively new concept, and anyone contemplating operating a drone for construction needs to not only learn the rules of the sky but ask themselves some business questions before opting to buy a drone as a mainstream tool.
Unmanned Aerial Systems pilots are flying close to landslide-prone terrain to collect higher-resolution elevation data than traditional aerial imagery can deliver, and they’re doing missions in scant hours—putting near real-time monitoring of dangerous slopes within practical reach.