Call For Presentations

Now, more than ever, the local AEC industry will be looking for inspiration from companies and industry leaders who have risen above the COVID-19 Pandemic downturn and succeeded.

Aside from getting certified as an MWSDBE, firms have had to change how they are working on projects by utilizing emerging technologies, improved practices and new ways to motivate and communicate with their teams. As well as the real need to work more productively while building important relationships with specialty contractors.

New this year, the ENR: Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Conference is looking to add engaging speakers who have worked with - or are currently working on - Port Authority related projects. Specifically, firms that have been successful at growing their business as a result of working with the Port Authority. We want to inspire upcoming MWSDBE contractors and GCs with case study success stories and best practices. For 2020 we are only looking to fill a couple of time slots, so space will be limited.

If you have something you feel would benefit the conference attendees, please submit an abstract to present at the ENR: Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Conference taking place on September 18, 2020 in New York City. This is your opportunity to get in front of hundreds of attendees, sponsors, exhibitors and the Port Authority NY/NJ with your message and expertise.

Submit An Abstract!

Presentation Benefits

  • Position yourself and your organization as an industry thought leader
  • Get exposure both before and during the event
  • Share lessons - good and bad - to help stimulate thought and push the industry
  • Diverse audience allows for healthy & interactive discourse
  • Help smaller/newer firms understand their potential
  • Free conference registration

Here Is What We Are Looking For

  • Success stories about your experience working on Port Authority of NY/NJ projects
  • Success stories about working as an MWSDBE on Port Authority of NY/NJ projects
  • Case studies or before and after presentations
  • Examples of team collaborations and how it helped on a Port Authority of NY/NJ project
  • Information that can be immediately implemented in the workplace
  • How-to lessons that provide attendees with a new skill, information about a new technology or process
  • Best practices for working on a project
  • The ability to engage audience with exceptional speaking ability and in-depth knowledge of subject matter
  • Interesting slides/handouts that are not text heavy and use before and after images, important stats, easy-to-read and understand charts, etc. Adding music, video and animation is preferred.

Please Do Not Submit

  • Product pitches
  • Topics that require the use of your organization's product
  • Presentations that have lots of slides with too much data


Extended until May 15th, 2020

There are only a few spots for this year’s conference. Final acceptance will be based on relevance to the overall program and industry need. Our team will review the proposed topics for relevancy and industry feedback. All approved topics will be submitted for continuing education for attendees (if applicable). Please note that vendors/suppliers must be exhibiting in the show to be considered for a presentation.

ENR unlimited