Two firms making a huge impact in the California construction landscape were nominated for ENR California’s Top Contractor of the Year award. To be nominated, the firms had to participate in the regional magazine’s top contractor’s ranking survey. The firms also needed to show solid performance during the survey year (based on 2013 revenue), a commitment to sustainability and the community and be a leader in innovative work practices.
The two nominees, Webcor Builders and Turner Construction, are building some of the largest projects in California today. Turner has been making headlines with its fast-track, integrated project delivery method at the Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, for its record concrete pour for the foundation at Wilshire Grand Center in Los Angeles and for the upcoming Sacramento Kings arena.
But the winner, as voted on by the regional editors of ENR across the U.S., is Webcor Builders.
Headquartered in San Francisco, Webcor was founded in 1971 and has completed over 55 million sq ft of projects to date. It is one of the top-ranked green builders in the state and tackles some of the state’s most complex projects. Just a few examples include the Transbay Transit Center, the $1-billion San Francisco General Hospital and the Samsung Headquarters.
Transbay Transit Center cross-section, courtesy of TJPA
Let us know your thoughts on this selection in the comments below. And, be sure to read the full story about Webcor Builders, and all of the companies appearing in the Top Contractors ranking, in the July 28 issue of ENR California.