If some MidAtlantic specialty contractors might have felt they were finally stepping off a roller coaster of rising interest rates, supply chain interruptions and climbing material and labor costs heading into 2024, regional revenue reported on the 2024 ENR MidAtlantic Top Specialty Contractor ranking may have justified that impression.
A $1.184-billion design-build contract was awarded to Tutor Perini/O&G to design and build the AirTrain at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey.
No price tag, timeline or construction procurement status for the major work were disclosed in a vision plan released Oct. 17 developed with design firms Arup and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill.
The D.C., district attorney assets the firm illegally allowed contaminated runoff from an equipment storage yard into the Washington, D.C., stormwater system, but Fort Myer Construction plans to contest the charges in court.