J.D. Diffenbaugh Inc. recently completed the construction of the Vista Del Sol Senior Living Facility located in Redlands, and also opened the doors to the new Riverside Animal Shelter.

The $9-million Vista Del Sol project was built for the Housing Authority of San Bernardino in partnership with Housing Partners I, Inc. The project consisted of demolition of existing structures and the new construction of a 71-unit, two-story complex with a stucco exterior with built-up and tile roofs. This new facility will provide affordable senior housing for the nearby communities.
The design architect on the project was Adrian Gaus Architects of Redlands, and the architect of record was Onyx Architects of Pasadena.
Meanwhile, the Riverside County Economic Development Agency held a ribbon cutting to open the new $22.5-million animal shelter facility. The
project consisted of constructing a 50,000-sq-ft building on a 12-acre site. The building houses the clinics, kennel, offices, storage, communications and examination rooms.