On Jan. 19, ConsensusDOCS released an update to its three-year-old library of model construction-contract documents. The group revised prime agreements for design-bid-build (ConsensusDOCS 200, 205, 240 and 245), design-build (410 and 420), construction management-at-risk (500) and the subcontracting agreements (750 and 751). The revisions include both long and short forms for agreements between the owner and the design professional, between the owner and the constructor (formerly called the contractor) and between the constructor and subcontractor. In addition, new qualification statements for constructors (221) and subcontractors (721) are available. One change gives the owner the right to audit the constructor’s books. Another new document is an agreement between the architect and its design consultant. Minor revisions to the ConsensusDOCS 300 Integrated Project Delivery Agreement also have been made. ConsensusDOCS reports it has 4,200 paid users.